Top AI Blogs to Follow In 2024: Experts, Trends, and Insights

AI is indeed evolving at a rapid pace, impacting numerous industries and reshaping our daily lives. To stay informed about the latest advancements and trends in AI, it’s essential to follow the right influencers who are at the forefront of this technological revolution. Here, we’ve compiled a list of key figures in the AI world that we personally follow and recommend to those who want to deepen their understanding of this field. Please note that this list is not exhaustive; it reflects our curated selection of resources that we find valuable for staying up-to-date with AI innovations.

This blog post was created with the invaluable help of Alexander Shironosov, our R&D Team Lead at Everypixel, who guided our search for the best tech blogs and influencers to follow.

How to Choose the Right Influencers to Follow

Depending on your interests and goals, the type of AI influencers you follow can make a big difference in the insights you gain:

  • AI in Research and Development: For those who are more interested in the technical side of AI — programming, machine learning models, and cutting-edge research — following influencers deeply involved in AI development will keep you in the loop with the latest advancements and practical applications.
  • AI Ethics and Policy: If you’re concerned about the ethical implications and legal frameworks surrounding AI, then this group of influencers will provide critical insights. They focus on ensuring that AI technologies are developed and used responsibly, with a strong emphasis on fairness, transparency, and societal impact.
  • AI Influencers in Social Media: If you want to stay up to date with major innovations and the overall direction of AI as a field, these are the people to follow. They are the key figures driving the industry forward, offering insights into the latest breakthroughs, trends, and their potential impacts across various sectors.
  • AI Newsletters: If you just want to stay updated on the latest AI news, subscribing to specialized newsletters is the way to go. These newsletters curate the most important developments, trends, and research, delivering them straight to your inbox.
  • AI Reddit: To understand what people think about AI and its role in society, platforms like Reddit offer a wealth of perspectives. Engaging with communities on Reddit can give you a more grassroots view of AI’s impact on daily life.

    AI in Research and Development

    Stay informed about the latest breakthroughs and research in AI from some of the most influential minds in the field. These experts are not just observing the field but are actively shaping its future with their innovative work and groundbreaking research. They offer valuable insights into the latest breakthroughs, practical applications, and emerging trends in AI. If you’re keen on understanding the technical side of AI and staying ahead with the most recent advancements, these are the leading minds to follow:

    • Yann LeCun: Chief AI Scientist at Meta and a founding father of convolutional neural networks, Yann LeCun focus mostly on advancements in computer vision and neural network architectures.
    • Fei-Fei Li: A professor at Stanford University and co-director of the Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute, Fei-Fei Li is a leading voice in computer vision. Her work on ImageNet has been foundational for the development of modern AI algorithms.
    • Geoffrey Hinton: Known as the “Godfather of Deep Learning,” Geoffrey Hinton writes about breakthroughs in neural networks and deep learning.
    • Demis Hassabis: Co-founder & CEO of DeepMind, Demis Hassabis shares insights on AI’s potential for solving complex problems.
    • Ian Goodfellow: Research Scientist at DeepMind, creator of Generative Adversarial Networks.
    • Jeff Dean: Google Chief Scientist, Jeff Dean writes about scalable AI systems and the technical aspects of machine learning infrastructure.
    • Vitaly Kurin: Research scientist at NVIDIA, working on Reinforcement Learning.
    • Richard Zhang: Research Scientist at Adobe, expert in computer vision and generative models, invented the visual similarity algorithms.
    • Lilian Weng: Research scientist at OpenAI, working on AI safety, past on robotics.
    • Clément Chadebec: Research scientist at Stability AI, working on Deep Generative Models.
    • Ahsen Khaliq: Machine Learning Growth Lead at Hugging Face, posts AI research paper tweets.
    • Mike Tamir: Machine Learning Scientist at Shopify & UC Berkeley Faculty, former head of Data Science at Uber ATG and SIG.
    • Leopold Aschenbrenner: Formerly of OpenAI’s Superalignment team, now founder of an investment firm focused on AGI, writes about AI’s future.
    • Andrej Karpathy: Former Director of AI at Tesla, renowned for his contributions to deep learning and computer vision.
    • Aran Komatsuzaki: AI researcher and practitioner known for insights on machine learning advancements and applications.
    • Horace He: AI researcher focusing on innovative applications and theoretical advancements in machine learning.

    AI Ethics and Policy

    Understand the ethical and policy issues surrounding AI from these thought leaders who are dedicated to ensuring responsible and fair use of technology. Whether it’s tackling data privacy, regulatory frameworks, or the societal impacts of AI, these experts provide invaluable perspectives on how to align technological advancements with ethical standards and policy considerations:

    • Brent Mittelstadt: Director of Resarch at the Oxford Internet Institute, Brent Mittelstadt is a leading data ethicist and philosopher, specializing in AI ethics, professional ethics, and technology law and policy.
    • Virginia Dignum: Leading scholar in responsible AI, Virginia Dignum is a Professor Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Umeå University.
    • Sandra Wachter: Professor of Technology and Regulation at the University of Oxford, Sandra Wachter is a researcher in data ethics, focusing on the legal and ethical aspects of AI and robotics.
    • Mark Lemley: Professor of Law at Stanford University, Mark Lemley argues that AI should have broad license to use copyrighted materials to create transformative works.
    • Elizabeth M. Adams: CEO of EMA Advisory Services, an expert in AI ethics and policy, Elizabeth M. Adams is involved in advancing discussions on the societal impacts of AI, particularly around equity and the responsible deployment of AI technologies.
    • Ed Newton-Rex: Founder of Fairly Trained, a non-profit organisation that certifies generative AI companies for training data practices that respect creators’ rights.
    • Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst: Artists who launched Spawning, a website that enables artists to remove their work from datasets used to train AI models.

    AI Influencers in Social Media

    Discover the leading figures shaping the field of AI. These leading voices not only provide real-time updates on the latest advancements and innovations but also engage in thought-provoking discussions that shape the future of AI:

    • Elon Musk: CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Owner of X, Founder of xAI, and co-founder of Neuralink.

    • Mustafa Suleyman: CEO of Microsoft AI, Co-founder and former head of applied AI at DeepMind.

    • Gary Marcus: A cognitive scientist and author known for his critical perspectives on current AI advancements, Marcus offers insights into the limitations and potential of AI through his newsletter.

    • Ethan Mollick: Associate Professor at Wharton, Mollick explores the intersection of AI, entrepreneurship, and innovation, sharing valuable insights on how AI is shaping the business world and creative industries.

    • Lex Fridman: A research scientist at MIT, Lex Fridman has gained a massive following through his podcast, where he discusses AI, robotics, and the future of technology with notable figures.

    • Latent Space: A podcast and newsletter tailored for AI engineers, Latent Space is recognized among the Top 10 US Tech podcasts. It features in-depth discussions on AI research, engineering, and industry trends.

    • Civitai: A global community-driven platform for discovering, creating, and sharing Generative AI resources and art.

    AI Newsletters

    Subscribing to AI newsletters is an excellent way to receive curated insights, comprehensive summaries, and the latest trends directly in your inbox. These newsletters offer valuable overviews of recent advancements, emerging technologies, and impactful research, ensuring you’re always up-to-date with the pulse of the AI industry. Whether you’re looking for in-depth analysis, daily trends, or sector-specific updates, these newsletters provide a wealth of knowledge to keep you informed and ahead in the world of AI.

    Perfect for non-technical people:

    • Superpower Daily: A daily roundup of the latest trends and breakthroughs in AI and technology.
    • Best of AI: Daily news about AI trends and developments.
    • Every: Daily long-form essay about technology, productivity, and AI.
    • Ben’s bites: Curated insights and updates on AI and data science.
    • Lumian: Focuses on practical AI applications and innovations that are shaping various industries.
    • Year 2049: Explores the future of AI, technology, and their societal impacts.

    Tailored for technical professionals:

    • Scholar Inbox: Delivers curated updates and new research articles based on your academic interests.
    • AlphaSignal: Provides insights into cutting-edge AI research and developments through detailed analysis and expert commentary.
    • Benedict’s Newsletter: Offers in-depth analysis on technology trends, including AI and its impact on various industries.
    • Cameron R. Wolfe: Delivers expert perspectives on AI advancements and their implications from Cameron R. Wolfe.
    • Import AI: Offers critical insights and summaries of key AI research and developments.
    • The Batch: A weekly digest from featuring the latest advancements and research in AI.

    AI Reddit

    For those seeking a diverse range of opinions and lively discussions on AI, Reddit is a treasure trove of information. Whether you’re interested in the technical aspects, ethical considerations, or futuristic visions of AI, Reddit hosts a multitude of communities where enthusiasts, professionals, and curious minds gather to share knowledge, ask questions, and engage in insightful conversations. Here are some key subreddits to follow for comprehensive and up-to-date discussions on AI:

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